Sunday, 5 August 2012


Watching the incredible achievements of the Olympic gold medallists last night, I was struck by a thought which grew to a deep down, feel it in your waters, excitement.

Jessica Ennis. A national heroine. An inspiration to young athletes. As she stood receiving her medal with a smile that could have engulfed the whole stadium, the irritating commentator who had clearly run out of things to say waffled on.

"The whole nation loves her."
"Loved by the whole country."
"Everyone loves Jessica Ennis."

The roar of the crowd and the tears in Jessica's eyes were enough to make the hardest of hearts melt. This girl has worked tirelessly for her achievement, and the nation is rightly proud of her. British stiff upper lip was forgotten as the whole country delighted in her.

It felt as though the whole world was watching and roaring their appreciation for this one girl.

One day, every eye shall see the true Champion coming. Will we be able to contain ourselves or will we also roar, cheer, jump up and down in ecstasy, shout, dance, wave flags and probably cry? Our 'worship' of these athletes is a tiny glimpse of the worship to come when our Hero returns. He will wipe away every tear. His coming will dawn a new day in which there is no pain, no death, no sadness. All our earthly achievements will fade away as we gaze into His face and see our true reason for existence. Our party will eclipse all 'post medal ceremony' parties. Joy, which originates in God, will find it's rightful place again.

Do I believe all this? Absolutely. And watching these Olympics has blown again on the embers of my excitement. I can't wait.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Exactly my thoughts at the time, Helen!